eden* essay thingmajig

eden* is about Adam/The Knight Archetype and Eve/Princess Archetype making terrible omelets.Note: This post is originally from Reddit’s /visualnovels/ but now, it has pictures. I’m a good VN blogger. Revisions…

Aiyoku no Eustia: The Better Angels of Our Nature

Nobody welcomes their birth in Novus Aether. Separated by a cliff, most people live in the lowest strata of the floating city, nicknamed the gaol. Good-natured citizens fall into this…

parfait a qt 3.14

Parfait is cute and funny. It shines in its common route because most events try to gather other characters, even though it’s for one character. Rikako’s route is p. cool.…

A Very Personal β€œReview” of Shiei no Sona-nyl ~What a Beautiful Memories~

I fucking love trains and bedtime stories. Well, I’m not one of those train otakus who would orgasm if they climb onto a seasonal train or see a store that…

Riding Hot Air Balloons to the North Pole as a Cute Alchemist Girl: Thoughts on Atelier Ayesha

Imagine your cute imouto (voiced by the lovely Mariya β€œStocking” Ise) got spirited away. Lay down on the couch right there and tell me how you feel. Does it feel…

The β€œDefinition” of a Visual Novel

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28767003 You might have read a short interview by Kai to me (it’s the last one) and thought, “Wow, Kastel, is your definition of a visual novel that vague? Anything…

A Tract on Why I Love Subarashiki Hibi

1. Subarashiki Hibi is the best work of art I’ve ever laid my hands upon. 1.1. This includes the books I’ve read, the films I’ve watched, the paintings I admired,…

A Tract on Why I Love Subarashiki Hibi

1. Subarashiki Hibi is the best work of art I’ve ever laid my hands upon. 1.1. This includes the books I’ve read, the films I’ve watched, the paintings I admired,…