[VN] Gin’iro, Haruka

A very visually alluring visual novel that also happens to be one of the most boring things ever devised by a man. …But it’s not really bad otherwise, I think.…

[VN] Gin’iro, Haruka

A very visually alluring visual novel that also happens to be one of the most boring things ever devised by a man. …But it’s not really bad otherwise, I think.…

[VN] Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki

It doesn’t quite reach the level of Aiyoku no Eustia, but Senmomo is a thoroughly exciting visual novel set in a fascinating fantasy world. Release: 2016 (AUGUST) Writers:  Anzai Hideaki…

[VN] Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki

It doesn’t quite reach the level of Aiyoku no Eustia, but Senmomo is a thoroughly exciting visual novel set in a fascinating fantasy world. Release: 2016 (AUGUST) Writers:  Anzai Hideaki…

[VN] Iwaihime

While Iwaihime is nowhere near as ambitious as Higurashi and Umineko, it delivers the kind of story Ryukishi’s fans should love. Release: 2016 (DMM) Writers:  Ryukishi07 Japanese difficulty: Medium English:…

[VN] Iwaihime

While Iwaihime is nowhere near as ambitious as Higurashi and Umineko, it delivers the kind of story Ryukishi’s fans should love. Release: 2016 (DMM) Writers:  Ryukishi07 Japanese difficulty: Medium English:…

[VN] Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart

An incredibly dumb but nonetheless entertaining comedy moege to lift your spirits on a bad day. Release: 2016 (HARUKAZE) Writers:  Hato Japanese difficulty: V.Easy English: In planning? Ratings: VNDB (7.96);…

[VN] Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart

An incredibly dumb but nonetheless entertaining comedy moege to lift your spirits on a bad day. Release: 2016 (HARUKAZE) Writers:  Hato Japanese difficulty: V.Easy English: In planning? Ratings: VNDB (7.96);…

[VN] Island

A work that mixes moe, mystery, comedy, science fiction, and tragedy at just the right amounts to deliver an ultimate visual novel experience. Release: 2015 (FrontWing) Writers:  G.O. (Himawari)                 …

[VN] Island

A work that mixes moe, mystery, comedy, science fiction, and tragedy at just the right amounts to deliver the ultimate visual novel experience. Release: 2016 (FrontWing) Writers:  G.O. (Himawari)                 …