Ah, minori.  minori, minori, minori.  Why have I never played any of your games before?  I feel like I’ve committed a sin. Display content from YouTube Click on this area…

[Visual Novel Review]: Eden* They Were Only Two, On The Planet

Developer – Minori Translator – No Name Losers & MangaGamer Length – 2-10 Hours Eden is one of the latest visual novel localisations to hit the ground running on Steam…

Eden* They Were Only Two, On The Planet Review

I had seen comparisons to Eden with Planetarian, and admittedly, I haven’t play the latter (I should soon though!), but seeing as how this visual novel is developed by minori;…

Eden* PLUS + MOSIAC Review

In the near future, an ominous red star suddenly appears in the sky. It’s presence is about to bring about the extinction of all life on Earth. The Unified Government…

eden* essay thingmajig

eden* is about Adam/The Knight Archetype and Eve/Princess Archetype making terrible omelets.Note: This post is originally from Reddit’s /visualnovels/ but now, it has pictures. I’m a good VN blogger. Revisions…