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New Angel Beats! Visual Novel CGs

Hey everyone, this is shcboomer reporting in for the first time on the blog. As a tasteful entrance into this posting business, I’ll start off with a short post about the latest released CGs from the Angel Beats! 1st beat VN.

The first three CGs here are scenes between Yui and Otonashi. According to their description, Yui has been doing some training, and this scene occurs as Otonashi carries Yui back to the dorms. This scene was not present in the anime, and further shows the development of the trust formed between Yui and Otonashi.

Next up, we have a CG of Iwasawa in a cheerful mood chasing a butterfly around. Although Iwasawa is known for her love of music, this scene portrays her as she opens herself up to Otonashi.

This scene should be familiar to those that have watched anime. This CG occurs during the Guild operation where only Otonashi and Yuri are left. Here she shares the story of her past with Otonashi.

Another familiar scene to anime viewers, the aftermath of a battle against Naoi. Prior to this scene, Tenshi and Otonashi are trapped in prison, and Otonashi breaks out to find Hinata and the others dying on the ground.

The last of our new CGs depicts when Naoi tries to brainwash Yuri after taking out all of the SSS in battle.

No other new information was released with this news. Angel Beats! 1st beat is still set for release sometime this year in 2014. The full series will span 6 volumes, and will cover the 19 members of the SSS.

Source: Dengeki Online


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10 years ago

OHHHHHH MY GOD I CAN”T WAIT THIS GAME(VN) LOOKS AMAZING I CAN’T WAIT JUST A YEAR OR 2 AND WE CAN HAVE ANGEL BEATS HOPEFULLY(People should be lining up out the door to read this but who knows)!!!!

Reply to  GuiltyIncest
10 years ago

Dont forget the time to translate it x)

Well, i actually really want to learn japanese just for this x)

10 years ago

Love the Yui CG’s, so can’t wait for this game.

10 years ago

I’m ready for that Yui route!!! The hype I have for this VN. ☆*・゜゚・*(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

Also, nice to see you making entries now, shcboomer. 😀

Reply to  Kenshin_sama
10 years ago

Thanks, glad to be of service.

10 years ago

Nice!! Lets just hope there are a good amount of routes..

10 years ago

Awsome! but will it be about conquering the girls or more action based?

10 years ago

Yay more Angel Beats~

10 years ago

Excited for this, too bad it will take 5 years to be translated.

Reply to  Yue
10 years ago

Shouldnt this game not take long at all considering rewrite took 1 year to translate and that game was long. this game is only 1 part of like 3 or four and people are lining up at the door to translate it i would assume as this game is hyped to all hell.

Reply to  Yue
10 years ago

Hard to say, it could take a short amount time or a long amount. Depends on who decides to pick it up.

10 years ago

Will this game be +18 or no?

Reply to  Enzo2
10 years ago

It won’t, Key might release a 18+ version later though.

Reply to  Enzo2
10 years ago

Trust me, you don’t want h-scenes from Key…

Reply to  Enzo2
10 years ago

Why , tomoyo after was good , well just my own thoughts

10 years ago

Yay, at last Angel Beats VN!!! >.<
This is my number 1 Most Anticipated Visual Novel 2014

10 years ago

amazing 🙂 at first i thought i was gonna dissapointed since its just vn port of already-known series. but since angel beats is my most favorite series from keys i like it. now if theres english version i would buy it but probably not figures..

10 years ago

I’ll even wait a decade for the translation if necessary.. Angel Beats! is just epic, I don’t care much about an 18+ version I just want to see the character development and new plots/stories. Gaaah, I hate waiting but for this I will. 😀

Thank you very much shcboomer for your post and the CGs. This will hold the tension over the time.

Perry Como
10 years ago

A mysterious message coming from nowhere…

10 years ago

All of them? EVEN TK?

9 years ago

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