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Prince of Tennis Visual Novel Translation Project – recruiting translators!

customLogo  This is a nintendo DS game released in 2009 called ‘The Prince of Tennis: Doubles no Oji-Sama – Girls, be Gracious!’ [], a team sprung up on looking for translators for the game, they can still use more people so head over to girlsbegracious google page and sign up!

AmuletCross: “Hello~
I started an open translation project for Tennis no oujisama girls be gracious!
It’s basically pairing up with a guy from prince of tennis for doubles, playing tennis, and in the end he confesses~ (at least from what I read in a review LOL)
I’m looking for translators~ it’s pretty much a dating sim :3
thank you and credits to jjjewel for the script tool and pleonex for the graphic plug ins~ !”

Prince Of Tennis  Scripts extractor/inserter: jjjewel
Graphics plugin: pleonex
Project head: Amuletcross
Translators: omotteru, kusakunai_desu, valy, krystalphoenix, ichigohaatsu
GBATemp Page: []



I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.

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10 years ago

Waah~ I can’t help out with the translation, but I’m reeeally looking forward to playing it with an english translation. I can’t wait!

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